For as he thinks in his heart so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you. – Proverbs 23:7

Belief is a critical component to every single area in our lives. It has the ability to make you see things that don’t exist, and manifest convictions that we will stand on. This is what we call faith. The question for you is this: what are you believing in?

In the last few weeks, I have had some belief issues. My speech began to change and I began to perceive myself as a victim due to my perception of someone treating me in a certain way. Anxiousness kicked in and I started to complain about how I was being mistreated. I had been putting myself through a destructive thought process and no one pointed out anything to me. No one addressed me inappropriately, and no one was signifying or throwing shade. This is all took place in my mind.

Before you think that I am crazy, take a trip down memory lane for yourself. There may have been a few times that you have believed some assumptions that just weren’t true. Once you take a step back, you realize you have wasted your time worrying about something that has nothing to do with you.

As a Believer, I do my best to bring and apply the Bible into my life everyday. Proverbs 23:7 was the scripture that challenged my thoughts and helped me understand the magnitude of right believing. King Solomon, the wisest and wealthiest King to ever live, reveals a important to process about belief. Every belief starts in your head in the process of thinking. After you have thought about that topic for a while, it comes to your heart and you start to believe in the information you received. Now, your belief is in process to becoming a reality. This is the equation that Solomon left for us: Mind + Heart = Belief.

Many of us are talk ourselves out of our dreams and ideas because it doesn’t make sense in our mind or things don’t add up. These hopes never make to our hearts. Therefore, we cannot, have not and will not obtain any manifestation because our heart wasn’t in it.

This is the equation that Solomon left for us: Mind + Heart = Belief

The key to getting any dream or belief ignited is to get it from our heads and into our hearts. You can do this by completing a daily affirmation about who you are, and what you intend to be and do before you leave for work. Place post-it notes in your car or on your mirror of those positive thoughts and ideas. You can memorize a quote or scripture to help you through as well.

What you believe is the foundation of every choice you have made and will make. Let me know in the comments below how what you believed helped or hindered you.