iPad is the device that is designed to connect to your creativity

Who would have thought that I would be doing work on a clean and polished slate of glass. The phrase clean slate speaks to a new beginning. In someways, I feel like my computing days are no longer complicated with multiple windows, but with one beautifully simple window that requires my full attention to see the world through.

I wrote about iPad last year snd it gave me a great indication of things to come. For the last few months, I have done my best to make iPad my main computer. We still have a laptop in the house, but it has become more like furniture than functional tool. There is something exciting about working on an iPad. I enjoy the creative experience again do to the fact the iPad becomes what I need to become. It is becoming the Ultimate Transformer of my Productivity, where there is more in it than meets the eye.

The argument that is often presented is that iPad isn’t a laptop. This statement is true. To call iPad a laptop replacement limits the possibility of what iPad can become when needed. For example, I needed to make an edit to a photo for this very website. I have zero skill in Photoshop, so I opened Pixelmator on my iPad and proceeded to make adjustments with my Apple Pencil. Once completed, I took that file, which automatically uploaded to iCloud, and placed in the appropriate area on my website with iPad. My iPad turned into a sketch book, then turned in a workstation for website maintenance. This is just one example of many that I have experienced.

iPad’s Slated Issues

Even through I love this device, it does have its shortcomings. One of this biggest issues I run into is in Safari Web Browser. Do to the coding on the device, websites will adjust depending if you are on a mobile device or a desktop. Tablets are treated like mobile devices so depending on screen size, you will have an oversized mobile phone experience on an iPad. Some days it gets frustrating and I make my way back to a laptop, Sometimes the accessories have issues connecting and that could be a pain too.

No one solution is perfect, but it can the best it can be.

iPad Possibilities

I look forward to the future of iPad in iOS 13 this summer. What makes it such an amazing device is that there is no one way on how you should use it. It is up to the user to determine it’s function. In schools, it can be a learning portal, but in the hands of an artist, it can become a sketchbook or canvas. We can argue that we can do all of those things on a laptop. However with iPad, you are a participant of the conversion for only a few moments. In that moment, that is where the creativity draws you in and your possibilities are endless.

By the way, this article was created on iPad. See what I mean ?