Everyone talks about wanting to change their mindset, but the real question is, are you willing to make a mind shift to experience that change? Over the last few years, I’ve had to make three crucial mind shifts that have transformed my life. Here’s my story, shared on the Life Refresh podcast.

Understanding Mind Shifts vs. Mindsets

We often hear about mindsets, but rarely do we discuss mind shifts. To illustrate, let’s use the analogy of broken bones. If you’ve ever broken or fractured a bone, you know the process isn’t pleasant. When a bone is set, it first needs to be shifted back into place before it can heal. Similarly, achieving a new mindset requires a painful yet necessary mind shift. This shift, though initially uncomfortable, is crucial for long-term growth and progress.

Embracing the Pain of Change

No one enjoys changing the way they’ve been living their life. However, embracing the initial pain of a mind shift can set you on an incredible path. For instance, I had to shift my mindset from identifying as a football player to accepting a new phase in my life. This transition wasn’t easy and took almost 20 years to fully embrace. However, it was this very shift that allowed me to move forward and explore new opportunities.

Fueling Your Body and Mind

One major mind shift I experienced was understanding the importance of fueling my body correctly. Working smarter means ensuring your body gets the necessary nutrients without overindulgence. Enjoying your food is possible without making yourself miserable. Once you start eating right, all the hard work you put into your physical training begins to show results. This shift in my dietary habits has been crucial in maintaining my overall health and well-being.

The Power of Reading and Gaining New Perspectives

Reading has always been a passion of mine because it provides new information that helps me make better decisions and gain different perspectives. Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, reading allows you to see the world from various viewpoints. For example, diving into a fictional character’s world can transport you to different time periods or social contexts, broadening your understanding and empathy.

Discernment in the Age of Information

In today’s digital age, discernment is essential. Not everything that goes viral is true. It’s important to verify the information you consume by consulting multiple sources. The Bible states, “My people perish for lack of knowledge,” emphasizing the importance of seeking and verifying knowledge.

Cultivating a Relationship with a Higher Power

A significant mind shift for me was deepening my relationship with God. Prayer has become a vital way to communicate and release my burdens. The Bible encourages us to be anxious for nothing and to present our requests to God. This practice of prayer and meditation offers peace and comfort, knowing that we are not meant to carry our issues alone.


Making these mind shifts has not been easy, but they have been essential for my growth and transformation. Embracing change, fueling my body correctly, gaining new perspectives through reading, practicing discernment, and deepening my relationship with God have all played pivotal roles in my journey. Remember, the initial pain of a mind shift can lead to a more fulfilling and prosperous life. Are you ready to make your own mind shifts?