Posts TaggedJesus

Living a Lean Life Pt. II – Spirituality

Shifts and Ladders
Shifts and Ladders
Living a Lean Life Pt. II - Spirituality

Welcome to Part II of Living a Lean life, in this small series we’re exploring how we as people weigh ourselves down and put ourselves at a disadvantage as we…

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The Pain of Knowing

Life Refreshed
Life Refreshed
The Pain of Knowing

Would you rather live a stewarded life or life lived purposelessly? That’s the pain that comes with knowledge. In ignorance one can absolve themselves from responsibility, but once something is…

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Sympathy Separation

Life Refreshed
Life Refreshed
Sympathy Separation

Sympathy may feel like a method of connecting to the humans around you, but it truly isn’t. Unlike empathy, sympathy often creates a level of separation between you and the…

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